Despite all of this, we are still exposed to thousands of harmful chemicals each day. Pollution has changed over the years and has now become invisible. It time to look at Human Pollution - the toxic burden that exists in each of us. We need to continue efforts to clean our environment and start to focus on the steps we can take to rid ourselves of these pollutants.A small study was completed some years ago by the Environmental Working Group, an American non-profit organization that advocates for the protection of public health and the environment. The study involved 10 Americans and their toxic exposure. The embedded video describes this study and its implications.This is both a fascinating and scary video providing perspective on the seriousness of environmental toxins. I highly recommend watching The Ten Americans.
The take away message from this video is that we all have measurable levels of harmful chemicals in our body. While we need to support the initiatives of the Environmental Working Group and our Canadian Environmental Defense Group in their lobbying efforts for policy change, there are important lifestyle changes that we must make to decrease our own toxic exposure.